Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why a blog Mary Alice?

Well, I've never even READ a blog, much less written one, but it seems that now is the time to give it a shot. Every so often, I have something to say and this seemed like an interesting way to spout off and share with those who might be interested!

Why the address Mary Alice? The address to get to my blog includes the words I had it all the time. I had a helluva time coming up with a name that wasn't already taken! Amazing how many different things I tried that didn't work. Many years ago I read a book by Alan Cohen that (excuse the cliche) changed my life. I Had It All The Time is a radical book, or it was to me at the time. The book is radical because it posits that we are not the beasts most of us think we are, we are not the sinful sloths so many of us have been taught to believe... we are in fact quite DIVINE! I was astounded at the way my heart leapt at his words about my and the rest of the world's goodness! I Had It All The Time tells us that we are missing nothing. We came here with everything we will ever need to be blissful and live the best life possible. Having everything we need doesn't come from the personality or the good (or bad) fortune of being born into wealth or relative wealth, the everything we need is our perfect soul. More on this later... and sooner!

Why "Be The Change...." Mary Alice? I saw the wisdom in this quote from Gandhi a few years back. It made a lot of sense to me that if there's something I want to see from the world, I should go ahead and bring it to the world myself. I've kept this saying in the forefront of my mind and have been finding ways to live it. More on this later... and sooner!

Why "Mary Alice" Mary Alice? My parents named me Mary Alice after my mother's mom, Mary and my father's mom, Alice. I have really hated the name most of my life. A few years back I began to hate it less. Like it or not, it is my name and I thought I'd take her out for a spin and see how she rides! It's different. We'll see!

So, my first post out of the way. I'm here to write, whether anyone else ever reads it or not is immaterial... I am here to write for the sake of writing!
